World-renowned agency to help Memphians imagine riverfront possibilities

Update: Several of you have asked about group rates. The answer is "Yes". See details below.

Memphians will have a shot at dreaming a dynamic role for our riverfront on Saturday, March 31 - with a little help from the Project for Public Spaces.

PPS is recognized world-wide for its knowledge of what makes good spaces -- public and private, large and small – spaces in which people love to be, spaces that both reflect and energize dynamic cities. Through a unique process called placemaking, PPS encourages and guides participants to imagine multiple uses for public spaces, always with an eye to enlivening and enhancing the space.
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Charles Jordan answers "why green?"

Perhaps we should have expected it of a “Visionary.” As John Muir said, “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” Charles Jordan’s talk Saturday morning broadened the scope of the greening movement in Memphis and took us back to the basics to reflect on what it is we are actually doing and why.
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In case you weren't able to read it Thursday night, here's the Greening Greater Memphis Manifesto dated February 8, 2007 and a way to sign-up electronically. It's exciting to be a part of the proud history and bright future for parks and public spaces in our community!
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