
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Clear-cutting Destroys Beautiful Path Along Harbor

Today the online Commercial Appeal reported Tree-clearing near Bass Pro stopped by order of Corps of Engineers. It appears that the action was given the go ahead by someone within the City Administration and was done outside of standard and required review and permitting procedures.

Some of the trees were 75-100 years old and provided shade and beauty around the TN Visitor Center and extending north along Wolf River Harbor past Pyramid/Bass Pro to the U.S. Coast Guard facility.

We're reposting a slideshow of a walk through the area in 2011 --

Strolling the Harbor - Public Access in Mind

Public access along the harbor has long been a downtown goal, and with bikeways and greenways becoming a reality, a few "friends" strolled the section between the Visitor's Center and the Willis/Auction Street Bridge cameras in hand.

Starting out on the blufftop at the new pedestrian bridge that connects the law school to Confederate Park, down the steps off the bluff to the lower-level and the TN Welcome Center, heading north on the west side of the floodwall behind Lone Star and the Pyramid, past the public boat ramp to the Coast Guard facility, and linking back to Willis/Auction Street and the Trolley stop on Main Street. Take a look. (Click below to activate slideshow.)