Wetlands will go if landfill starts

With approval from the Memphis Landmarks Commission and the Center City Commission Design Review Board, the RDC appears ready to begin clearing the wetlands at the foot of Beale Street and adding 50’ of land out into the harbor for Beale Street Landing (BSL). This is Phase II of the project and according to newspaper articles a contract has been signed to begin Phase II.
BSL was described to the Design Review Board as a welcome mat for the City, a park of landscaped terraces and islands. Elizabeth Langston, who lives near the river, spoke before the Landmarks Commission and showed a picture taken just that morning of the cobblestones and wetlands that will be destroyed. With the fresh image of Old Forest trees cut to make way for the Zoo, one can’t help but think we’re seeing the same kind of hypocrisy on the riverfront and the real replaced by a synthetic replica.
Elizabeth has posted a new website Save Our Wetlands.
Click here to take a look and get involved.
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