Links to information on past floods, floodplains, levees, and ideas for the future from Saturday's Sunset Flood Walk along Memphis Riverfront & map of Morganza Floodway and Bonnet Carre Spillway (
click to enlarge):
CNN interview with Sr. VP Conservation for American Rivers talking about how we need to employ means other than the "girdles" and give the river some breathing room. Click HERE.MS River Facts (long version), click HERE.MS River Facts (short version), click HERE.MS River Flood History, click HERE.What is a Floodplain? What does "100 year floodplain" mean? Click HERE.MS River Tributaries Project (info on control structures), click HERE.Old River Control Structures (Morganza Floodway), click HERE, HERE, HERE.Recommended Reading: Rising Tide by John Barry. Click HERE.
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