Cossitt - Wish List & Library Friends

Downtown Neighborhood Association recently added strength to the Friends of Cossitt when several members joined Friends of the Cossitt Library, (FOC). FOC is a volunteer support group of the downtown neighborhood library which is the original first public library in Memphis (1893) and also the first TN Literary Landmark (1998).
Interested in joining Friends of Cossitt Library? Membership forms are at each library branch and also online: Be sure to indicate you want to join the Cossitt branch library.
Friends of Cossitt “Wish List” :
1. Bike rack.
2. Smokers disposal receptacles, fire-retardant, on library grounds and at bus stop.
3. Better placement of trash cans on library grounds and larger trash can at bus stop.
4. Grounds maintenance of library quadrangle, especially watering!
5. Signage at bus stop and inside buses: “Don’t Be a Litterbug at Your Bus Stop!”
6. Poster in Cossitt near plaque TN Literary Landmark, rotating bits of Cossitt History.
7. Volunteers to help sustain the Cleanup/Green-up campaign. Friends for our Riverfront and Friends of the Cossitt Library
promote a green-up campaign. They welcome volunteers to help pick up trash and do general cleaning, Saturday mornings, in the fall/winter 8:30-10:00 AM. Sign-up is not necessary, just show- up! Everyone is welcome. These two chicks with the brooms are Vernie Kuglin and Lynda Ireland. Thanks for helping to keep our downtown neighborhood library looking great!
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