Celebrate Labor Day Memphis-style

If you’ve been wondering how to celebrate Labor Day weekend – wonder no more. The Center for Southern Folklore has made all the plans for a Memphis-style celebration, and it's all family friendly and free.
What? The Center for Southern Folklore’s annual Memphis Music and Heritage Festival
When? Aug. 30 & 31, 11 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Where? In the center of downtown, running along Main Str. from Peabody Place to Gayoso.
Memphis is a special place where music is not played in the background. It's a place where music, dance, food, and crafts tell us who we are and tell visitors about our home and community. So get ready to enjoy being yourself this weekend, and plan to
* boogie, strut, jitterbug, and sway to your heart's content
* learn recipes from cooks who learned from their parents how to make the best peach cobbler or Chinese salads,
* join the talkers corners to hear from storytellers, quilters, baseball players and musicians,
* learn, watch, and shop for crafts from folk artists.
To learn more and/or to offer to help out, click here.
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