A Playground for Mud Island River Park - Maybe

This summer Mud Island River Park (MIRP) may have a new playground if the City Council approves a request by the RDC for $390,000. About 2/3s of that ($265,000) is for playground equipment; the remainder is for a walking trail in Chickasaw Park.
The City Council was suprised to learn about the two projects and that they had been lumped together and already sent out for bids. The projects will go back to committee for consideration in two weeks.
The MIRP play areas, one for children between the ages of 2 and 5 and one for ages 6 to 10, are designed to be added to the center of the park in a grassy area, along the side of the Riverwalk. The River Park hopes to have the play areas finished by opening day Sat. April 11. The original MIRP "Huck Finn" playground, was destroyed about 20 years ago when Sidney Shlenker managed the park.
Update: Council voted to wait for park land use study results to see: 1) if public wants a playground in the park and 2) where architects and planners suggest it be located. Wise decision; it would've been a wasteful mistake to build it and then turn around and either move it or rip it out.
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