FfOR Wins Clearwater Award!

FfOR secretary Renee Lartigue and president Virginia McLean accepted the prestigious international award on behalf of FfOR Friday, Oct. 23 at the annual Waterfront Center conference, held this year in Seattle.
Click HERE for CA editorial.
Click "read more" below for info. about Waterfront Center and other 2009 winners.
The Waterfront Center, a non-profit educational organization, was formed in 1981 by co-directors Ann Breen and Dick Rigby, to assist waterfront communities make the wisest long-term use of their urban waterfront resources. The Center has helped hundreds of communities of every size on every continent, and was hired by the City of Memphis in 1999 to work with members of the public to develop ideas for the Memphis riverfront. Click HERE for the written report. In 2000, the Chickasaw Bluff Conservancy received a Clearwater Award for their work on the Bluffwalk.
2009 Excellence on the Waterfront Awards were given to:
The Confluence Project in Troutdale, Oregon, Ilwaco and Vancouver, WA
Category: Environmental Protection and Enhancement
A Regenerative Surgery: The Beach Restoration in Qinhuangdao City, China
Category: Historic or Maritime Preservation/Adaptive Re-Use
Erie Canal Harbor Project in Buffalo, NY
Category Mixed-use and/or Commercial
Ferry Terminal at the World Financial Center in NY, NY
Category: Park/Walkway/Recreational
* Southeast False Creek Waterfront Phase 1 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
* San Pedro Waterfront Gateway Project and Fanfare at San Pedro Gateway in San Pedro, CA
* West Harlem Piers Park in NY, NY
Category: Residential or Resort
South Pier District Redevelopment in Sheboygan, WI
Category: Public Works
Castleford Bridge in Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK
* Trinity River Corridor Design Guidelines in Dallas, TX
* Waterfront Zoning Text Amendment in NY, NY
* Brooklyn Bridge Park in Brooklyn, NY
* Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition in Seattle, WA
* Oakland-Almeda Waterfront Maps Project in Oakland, CA
* Friends for Our Riverfront in Memphis, TN
* Jane Jacobsen, The Confluence Project in Vancouver, WA
* Aquatecture: Water-based Architecture in the Netherlands, Rebecca Pasternack, University of Southern Califormia School of Architecture in Los Angeles, CA
* Revival of a Canal City, An Urban Scale Proposal for the Chuo Ward Waterfront, Tokyo Dustin Stephens and Robert Cheng, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge, MA
* Mike Burke, attorney, King Hershey PC and counsel, Port Authority of Kansas City, MO
* Fran Hegeler, senior director/development manager EDAW/AECOM San Francisco, CA
* Jeff Sheldon, senior coastal engineer, Moffitt and Nichol, Raleigh, NC
* Harris Steinberg, executive director, Penn Praxis, the clinical arm of the School of Design Univ. Of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
* Michel Trocme, Partner, Urban Strategies, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Click HERE for more information on the Waterfront Center and to see winners from previous years.
Click HERE for Waterfront Center blog and its articles of interest on waterfronts.
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