Bass Pro/Pyramid Signs Up for Review
The Memphis Downtown Commission Design Review Board will review Bass Pro's sign proposal for the Pyramid, parking lots, and "Water Features and Trail Paths" on March 6 (Wed.) at 4 pm in their conference room at 114 N. Main Str., 38103
(to see full screen, click on arrows in lower left corner)
Yes, Bass Pro needs signs so that their customers can find the Pyramid, but these signs do not comply with the current City Sign Code or with the citizen-based draft for a new City Sign Code. In great cities, aesthetics matter, and big box stores are learning how to comply and fit better in urban settings.
The March 6 meeting is open to the public or you may comment by email to Brett Roler <>; copy Paul Morris <>
Click HERE for Bass Pro's exterior sign application.
HERE for Commercial Appeal coverage.
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