Watch Dog reports on RDC Finances

The folks at have just taken a close look at the Riverfront Development Corporation. The facts and figures they’ve uncovered are posted, and it’s definitely worth your time to take a look.

Memphis Watch Dog describes itself as a website for Memphis taxpayers that will help us keep up with what the politicians are doing and not doing in Memphis and Shelby County.

They’ve got some answers about how the City got in the current financial mess and some information about future projects that need to be scrapped.

Click now.
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Moving in the Right Direction

For a long time the Riverfront Development Corporation tried to avoid discussing the 50-acre dam they called a landbridge. Now they’ve acknowledged it was unfeasible and unpopular and are asking the City Council to remove it from the 2002 Memphis Riverfront Master Plan.
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Two Great Events This Weekend - Join the Fun

There are two great outdoors events downtown this weekend. Hope you can come.

WALKIN' IN MEMPHIS - Sunday, Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. Stroll through the heart of downtown with Judith Johnson, TN Advisor to the National Trust for Historic Preservation and FfOR board member. Take a look at our public spaces, historic restoration projects, and new development through her trained eye. See the potential role of the Public Promenade, as Mayor Riley would say, "our finest edge." Walk begins on the Shelby County Courthouse steps (140 Adams) and ends up on the subterranean patio at Brinkley Plaza where "the river rat" will be grilling out. Please RSVP to, so we’ll have a headcount. Street parking is free on the weekends. Raindate: Oct. 22, same place, same time. Hope to see you there.

HARBOR CLEAN-UP – Saturday, Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to noon. Join the Sierra Club and help beautify our harbor. Meet under the Auction Street Bridge,on the east side of the harbor, for a little community service and a lot of fun. For more info. Contact James Baker at 372-6717 or by e-mail at

The Finest Edge

“The great cities of the world give the finest edges to the people,” said Charleston Mayor Joseph P. Riley when he spoke in Memphis to the sell-out crowd of 400+ on September 21. We promised this brief synopsis.
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Mayor Riley Event - Sold Out

We are thrilled by your response and the number of Memphians eager to hear from Mayor Riley about Charleston's preservation and redevelopment as one of the most livable, creative, and visited cities in America. We only wish we had room for more seats. As soon as possible we'll post an article here on the web hitting the high points of his talk.