You're Invited to Walk the High Line
Join Memphis artist and Master Gardener Cheryl Converse and Friends for Our Riverfront for a photo tour:
Take a Walk on the High Line
Mon., April 2, 6:30 pm; (light refreshments @ 6pm)
Benjamin Hooks Main Library (3030 Poplar)

Called the most extraordinary promenade you can imagine, the High Line was an abandoned, elevated, railway track on NYC’s West side. Rescued from demolition through grassroot efforts and redesigned by James Corner Field Operations, the “park in the sky” blends contemporary and historical design, industrial decay and natural beauty. It has not only captured the hearts of New Yorkers and been called "the most innovative and inviting public space in New York City and perhaps the entire country" by "National Geographic," but it has also spurred some $2B in ancillary development, primarily housing adjacent to the park.