Bass Pro/Pyramid & Convention Center - Council Approves $215M Cost
Tuesday the City Council approved a bond resolution to pay for the conversion of the Pyramid to a Bass Pro megastore and the purchase of both Lone Star Concrete Co. and Shelby County's half interest in Cook Convention Center. Future sales tax revenue from downtown's Tourism and Development Zone, which now is being spent to pay the debt on the Convention Center, is to be used to pay off the bonds.
The Commercial Appeal reports the cost at $215M, with Bass Pro's share at $33M. Click HERE.
The Daily News breaks the numbers down a bit: $75M to buy the County's share of the Convention Center, $12-15M to purchase Lone Star, $25M to retrofit the Pyramid and land along the harbor to meet seismic code, plus $63M the Council approved for the project a year ago. Click HERE.
The Flyer begins to dig into the financing details. Click HERE.
WMCTV/5 has posted the Bass Pro design drawings shown to the Council. Click HERE
Bass Pro plans for the Pyramid
and HERE
RAW: New renderings of Bass Pro at the Pyramid