Imagine 2040 - Round 2
Bring your ideas for a sustainable Memphis and help lay-out our region's future.
Thurs., Dec. 9, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Benjamin Hooks Central Library (3030 Poplar)
Kansas City is envisioning their future, too, and considering light rail transit. They've done this video to show the difference it could make.
Light rail or improved bus transit, the principles are the same.
Imagine KC from Arnold Imaging on Vimeo.
Bass Pro/Pyramid/Pinch in the News

A time line since May of LINKS to news articles & documents:
* May 18 - City plans to use its share of federal recovery act bonds to redevelop The Pyramid and Pinch District: a) $27.7M in economic development bonds to be used by City and b) $41.6M in facility bonds to be used by private businesses. Federal recovery act bonds are issued by local governments at reduced interest rates. Click HERE.
* Late June - Cost of the Pyramid/Pinch Project before City Council is $63M. Click HERE.
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Before the Pyramid

The Pyramid, built 20 years, is recent history.
Much earlier, from 1844-1854, the Memphis Naval Yard sat on this site. Envisioned as "the" U. S. Navy's western construction facility and ropewalk, it owed its rise and fall to regional politics, Congressional funding, and local development hopes.Read more »
Fate of Lone Star?

Right now it's slated to go. The City plans to spend $10M to buy and move Lone Star as part of the Bass Pro/Pyramid/Pinch Project. But maybe there's another option or two worth considering. And whatever we do, the goal ought to be increased public access to the harbor. Read more »
Waterfront Center 2010 Excellence Awards

Be inspired; take a look!
The Waterfront Center Conference, held this year in Baltimore, has posted the recipients of their 2010 Excellence on the Waterfront Awards.
It's hard to believe that it's been a year since Friends for Our Riverfront was on the stage in Seattle to receive the Clearwater Award from the Waterfront Center. Last year's booklet is also posted on their site.
Click HERE.