Careers on the River - An Option in Memphis

Memphis is the 4th largest inland port in America, so it makes sense to expose and educate high school students about career opportunities on the River. On Friday Apr. 24, that happened. It was the 1st Annual "Who Works the Rivers" program in Memphis.

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Canoe Outfitting & Guiding 101

Interested in starting your own canoe/kayak river business and don't know how or where to start?

A 2-day course, May 2-3 at the University of Louisiana at Monroe will give you the answers.

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South Main Mosaic Artwalk

Last October, 8 pieces of public art went up in South Main, the perfect addition to downtown's art district. This Friday, after "Hook Up, Clean Up, Bottoms Up," take a stroll and check them out.
Click map to enlarge.

The art is by 13 artists: Jonathan Auger, Brendan Lawton,Ben Avant,Ryan Morris, Chris Hoal, Marcellous Lovelace, Brandon Marshall, Kenny Hayes, The Metal Museum, Nick Pena, Lance Turner, Stephanie Crosby, and Esther Szisk.

Photographs and descriptions are posted on the S. Main Assoc. website.  Click HERE.

South Main Mosaic Artwalk is a Downtown Memphis Commission project.

How appropriate and exciting that this Earth Day 2015, our Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan has been awarded the prestigious Excellence in Sustainability Award by the American Planning Association. John Zeanah, Administrator of the Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability, accepted the award at the APA conference in Seattle, WA.

The Mid-South Regional Greenprint and Sustainability Plan was funded by a $2.6M Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant awarded to Shelby County Government from the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development in Nov. 2011. From 2012 to 2014, the Memphis-Shelby County Office of Sustainability led a consortium of over 80 organizations, among them Friends for Our Riverfront, and 300 individuals toward the development of the Greenprint plan and related studies. The final plan, GREENPRINT 2015/2040, was published in Nov. 2014. For more information or to download the plan, click HERE.

Hook Up, Clean Up, Bottoms Up

This Friday is going to be a great time to be downtown. Come help spiff up the City for Memphis-in-May. Then try your hand at a little bocce while you sip a Ghost River before checking out the S. Main Mosaic Artwalk and all the shops and galleries open for Trolley Night on S. Main. 

America's Most Endangered Rivers - 2015

A list of the 10 rivers whose future is most threatened by critical decisions during the next year, the most endangered rivers report has been compiled by American Rivers each year since 1984. It lists the rivers, summarizes the threats, presents alternatives, identifies crucial decision-makers, and points out opportunities for citizens to take action on behalf of the listed rivers.

Nearest Memphis are the Harpeth in TN (#9) and the Pearl in MS (#10), and wherever we live all Americans feel an affinity with the iconic Colorado in the Grand Canyon, listed #1 in this year's report.

Click HERE for the 2015 report and information on how to help protect our rivers.