Memphis featured in PPS Newsletter on Waterfronts
And they'll be here March 31 to lead us in an interactive, on-site "Placemaking" workshop on the riverfront.
Registration forms:
The February Project for Public Spaces newsletter takes a look at “Waterfront Renaissance” and the opportunity waterfronts bring to create great public spaces. Memphis is included as they discuss how to turn a waterfront around, the challenges, failures, mistakes, and successes.
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Registration forms:
- Click here for individual registration form.
- Click here for group registration form.
- Architects: CEU credits available on a self-reporting basis; contact Heather Baugus at AIA office for more information.
The February Project for Public Spaces newsletter takes a look at “Waterfront Renaissance” and the opportunity waterfronts bring to create great public spaces. Memphis is included as they discuss how to turn a waterfront around, the challenges, failures, mistakes, and successes.